Demi Lovato, a former Disney star, is stepping into a new role as a director with her debut documentary Child Stars. Now 31, Lovato explores the darker sides of child fame, a topic she’s been open about, given her own experiences growing up in the spotlight alongside stars like Selena Gomez and the Jonas Brothers.

Child Stars will dive into the challenges faced by young celebrities, featuring stories from stars like Drew Barrymore, who began acting at 7, and Raven-Symoné, who starred in The Cosby Show at 3. Other notable names like Christina Ricci, Jojo Siwa, and Kenan Thompson will also share their experiences.

“I’m so proud to make my directorial debut with this documentary that sheds light on the complexities of child stardom, a topic that is very close to my heart,” Lovato told The Hollywood Reporter. The film aims to spark a conversation about creating a safer environment for future child stars.

The 90-minute documentary will be released on September 17, 2024, and will be available in Australia on Disney+.

Check out the trailer here:

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