Belair National Park is known for it hiking, biking trails and breathtaking views but an award has just been given to the park that would blow all that out of the water!

The Belair National Park 2 Public Toilet has been crowned the Most Accessible Toilet in Australia by The Continence Foundation.

Dubbed The Great Dunny Hunt participants contributed over 778 entries to the National Toilet Map website and after two months it was decided that the South Australian public toilet was the most accessible.

Boasting plenty of room, safety rails, great location and design it was hard to not give the award to The Belair National Park 2 Public Toilet.

The whole project is a bit of fun but The Continence Foundation says it serves a much more serious purpose.

A total of one in four Australians are affected by incontinence but the hunt information makes sure everyone can find an accessible public loo.


All photos provided Department for Environment and Water


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