I get it. Inflation is on the rise, the ‘brand tax’ is unyielding and frankly taking your shoes on and off every day can feel like a chore…

But would you willing tattoo a pair of your favourite Nike sneakers to your feet?

Check out the video:

@dean.gunther who needs shoes if you can permanently tattoo them to your feet.#shoestattoo#art#tattoo#nike@nike ♬ ALMOST HOME – Mad Adix, Marc Steinmeier

Look, I feel like this would have to of been a dare, but if not, I’m offer points (of no value) for the bravado displayed here.

The fella enlisted the help of South African Dean Gunther, a 34-year-old tattoo artist from a studio in Manchester.



The design took around 10 hours to complete from start-to-finish and apparently, the man with the tattooed feet has received rave reviews from his friends, and even wife…

What on earth is going on here? – SAVINGS! Savings is what.

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