In Warsaw, Poland, a daring thief employed a rather unusual tactic in his crime spree. The 22-year-old suspect was caught on camera pretending to be a mannequin inside a department store after closing hours, before swiping jewellery. This creative ploy, caught on video, showcased the thief standing still in front of a shop window, clutching a bag, effectively masquerading as part of the display.

Assistant inspector Robert Szumiata from the Śródmieście district police headquarters noted, “In one case … (he) came up with an idea on how to remain unnoticed in a shopping mall after it was closed.” Once he felt secure, he embarked on his “hunt” and made off with jewellery.

The thief also faces charges related to another department store burglary. He is accused of breaking and entering, as well as theft, which could result in a maximum prison sentence of up to 10 years.

The thief’s audacity didn’t stop at his mannequin masquerade. On a separate occasion, he meticulously planned his heist by waiting in a bar, only to later slink under a steel shutter to enter a store. There, he allegedly pilfered designer clothes and swapped them with his own attire. However, his luck took a turn when he returned to the same bar for a meal and was spotted by vigilant security guards.

The statement from the Polish police continued to say, “However, his luck finally ran out on him as he was spotted and captured by security personnel who called the police. It is already known that the 22-year-old has also committed thefts and burglaries in another gallery, where, after its closure, he took money from several cash registers and tried to steal other items.”

As a result of these actions, the 22-year-old is now facing serious legal consequences. The court, in response to a request from the Prosecutor’s Office, ordered his temporary detention for three months. Polish law provides for a maximum prison sentence of up to 10 years for the crimes he is charged with.

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